Hey Job Seeker, welcome to my blog site.
I have just been given permission to share a fabulous resource with you to help you with your job search.
Are you aware that approximately 80% of the available jobs are not advertised? See what you can do to find the one that works for you!
This resource can help you look at what will work for you, some really neat techniques you can use to land that job you really want, and show you how to use the Hidden Job Market.
Check it out right away.
Contents include:
- The Hidden Job Market,
- How People Really Get Jobs,
- Developing Your Resume,
- Powerful Interview Techniques
and much, much more.
Best of luck....happy hunting!
Fran Watson
P.S. Here's that link again: JobFindingFormula
Thanks, Fran, for the great resource!! I know it's just a matter of time before I find a new job.
Thanks, Fran, for the great resource!! I know it's just a matter of time before I find a new job.
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