How do you write a cover letter for employment
The job market can be very competitive which leads many people to ask themselves, “How do you write a cover letter for employment?” It is true that writing a compelling cover letter can often be a daunting task. A cover letter introduces not only your resume, but you as well. You want that cover letter to be interesting and make the person reading it not only WANT to read your resume but HAVE to read your resume.
There are some very specific things that should be in your resume. Start out by referring to the job that you are applying for and note where you found the position opening. Remember that if you found it in a newspaper, underline the name of the newspaper. Sometimes these little details really count! Employers like to know if their advertising dollars are paying off and what is giving them the best "bang for their buck". Then go on in your cover letter to say how excited you are to know that there is a job like this available and how interested in it you are.
Your resume should be concise, but your cover letter can be a little more in-depth. I have applied for countless jobs and experimented around with various formats for cover letters, during my career as an Employment Counsellor. That does not necessarily make me an expert but it surely has taught me a few things about what I shouldn’t do!
First and foremost, be brief in your cover letter. Introduce yourself, tell the employer why you want the job, let them know about your special skills that would make you perfect for the job, and then express your eagerness for a personal interview. You should ALWAYS include a telephone number at the end of the cover letter so that the employer knows how to reach you. They may not always pay attention to the top part of your resume, but they most likely will see your contact number in your cover letter.
So, how do you write a cover letter for employment? Just speak from the heart and let the person reading the cover letter know that you are truly interested in the job and that you have the qualifications to do the job. Be sure and let them know, too, that what you do not know, you are eager to learn.
Your cover letter should be professional, but it should also reflect your personality. That is what will get you the interview. Once you are face to face with the person doing the hiring, it will be all up to you. After all, it is your personality – as well as your abilities – that make you perfect for this job. When you are face to face, you can express that in ways that can never be shown on a simple piece of paper!
If you have your resume and cover letter prepared professionally or by an agency, make sure that you are happy with the results. You are the one who is going to have to defend whatever is on your resume. If you feel that it isn't "really you", then that is what is going to come across in an interview. You need to be comfortable with what is down on paper.
To your job search success
Fran Watson
P.S. For more information on cover letters, click here
P.P.S. If you would like coaching for your job search, please contact me.
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