Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it's that time of the year when people think about changing their lives in some way. Some people opt for making a big list of things they are going to do and then find themselves so far behind by day 2 or 3 that they give up on everything.

Some people pick one or two small things to change and work at them for a few days, but then their old lives take over and they forget about their resolutions.

Others make one or two general resolutions that they can stick by the whole year such as; "doing things that make me feel better", so if they go for a walk, or have dinner with a friend, or watch a favourite show, they are successful.

The important thing is to have a goal, something to reach towards.

For job seekers, it is also important to have a goal. You need to know exactly what you are looking for in order to obtain it.

For instance; "I'm looking for a job." is just too vague. "I'm looking for a job as a mechanic." is much clearer and lets people know exactly what you are looking for. They are then more able to help you identify a particular employer who might be looking for a mechanic, or someone with mechanical skills.

If you are currently employed and thinking of leaving your job, you too need a clear cut goal. You need to identify what skills you want to use in your new job, the type of work you want to be doing and the type of employer you want to work for. Once you have done that, you can select two or three employers and then target your resume for them. You may need to send your resume more than once and follow up on a regular basis, but it will be worth it to get the job you want.

I challenge you to set a specific goal for the month of January and share it with me by making a comment below. Then follow up and let me know whether or not you achieved your goal. Then do the same thing for February. Set a goal, let someone know what it is and then follow up with them to let them know how you did. You don't have to face the whole year at once. Take it in bite sized chunks and you will be more successful.

To your success.


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