source Reader's Digest
Here are the 11 things your boss won't tell you.
1.The company is in trouble. There are rumours of redundancies and tough financial times ahead. Until things are really dire, we’re likely to remain tight-lipped.
2.You deserve a pay raise. If you feel you are due more money or a promotion, be proactive and ask for it. Don’t wait around for us to pat you on the back and make the offer. It’s not going to happen.
3.Dress to impress. Just because the workplace has a casual dress code, it doesn’t mean you should dress like a slob. If you speak with firm command, you will be seen as authoritative and if you arrive early and act keen, you’ll be perceived as a hard worker. So dress, act and talk for the position you want, not the one you’re in.
4.You’re too keen. Just as bad as lazy workers are the painfully over-eager ones. We don’t want to spend time listening to your wild plans to improve the company or find extra projects for you to work on.
5.Your best career move is not in my best interest. You may be well and truly ready for a step up the company ladder, but if you are excelling in your current position, we’d probably prefer it if you stayed exactly where you are.
6.You run your personal life from your desk. We will rarely pull you aside if you are always on Facebook, eBay or the phone organizing your personal life, but do you honestly think we don’t notice? Rest assured we do!
7.Solutions not problems. Don’t come marching into my office with a problem if you haven’t got any suggestions about how to fix it. That’s called whining. Come prepared with some ideas if you want change.
8.You smell. We detest having to pull an employee aside and tell them there have been complaints made about their scent. Remember the deodorant and avoid making us, or your colleagues, feel awkward.
9.Stand your ground. Don’t let people dump work on you. If you can delegate and are capable of being assertive, we’ll be impressed and see you as management potential. Respect is more important than popularity.
10.You should resign. Do you feel like you’ve hit a dead end in your current position? Unless you’re seriously underperforming, don’t wait for us to show you the door.
11.I’m busy worrying about me, not you. We’re busy doing our own job, so if you need help, training or support, then you have to let us know. Tell your boss what you need and take responsibility for your training.
You are your own employer...treat yourself well
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