Thursday, April 02, 2009

Comfort Zones...

I am currently reading some books I purchased from simple truths. I have discovered some fabulous information and I would like to share some of it with you. The following article is by Mac Anderson from his book Charging the Human Battery. These books are only available from simple truths. The books are hardcover with beautiful illustrations and they are easy to read in an evening.

"Change comes bearing gifts." - Price Pritchett

Comfort zones put padlocks on doors to growth, discovery and adventure. As painful as it may feel, change almost always comes bearing gifts. As nerve-wracking as it can seem, it's "in the winds of change we find our true direction."

Change is not easy, but it is simple. Things will always change. We don't have a choice about that. But we do have a choice about how we react to change. It really boils down to this...eitehr we manage change, or it will manage us.

In the long run, however, sameness is the fast track to mediocrity. To grow, to get closer to your goals, you must get off the path of least resistance. Lace up your running shoes, tie a double knowt, and discover all the advantages you can uncover on a new trail.

Remember: To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done.

To your positive changes!!!

Fran Watson

P.S. That website again is simple truths Check it out, they have amazing videos, CDs, books, etc.

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