Think about what you do when you have to learn something new. You probably approach the task in a similar fashion each time. Over time you have developed a pattern of behaviour that you use for new learning. This pattern is called a learning style.
People perceive and process information in a variety of ways. As adults our life experiences cause us to learn differently than when we were children. We are more independent and self-directed. More goal-oriented and problem-centered. We want to know why we are learning.
The fact that a person may have a preferred, most comfortable mode does not mean that he or she cannot function effectively in others. In fact, a person who has the flexibility to move easily from one mode to another to fit the requirements of the situation is at a definite advantage over those who limit themselves to only one style of thinking and learning.
There are various learning style assessments that can help you discover your preferences, but everyone is capable of learning under any style, no matter what your preference is.
Keep on learning!
Fran Watson
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