Some jobs can be very relaxed and some jobs can be very stressful, and sometimes your attitude is what can make the difference in whether you are content or discontent.
Our workplace, like many others, is going through some significant changes which have thrown the workers into a bit of a downturn with regard to morale. I have been one of those who has suffered some significant psychological distress over the situation, however this morning I remembered that the only one who can change my attitude is me.
I was thinking about a story that Zig Ziglar tells of a woman who hated everything about her job until he started asking her some questions such as, “Do you like getting a paycheck?” “Are you well paid for what you do?” and other questions which helped her to realize some of the benefits she had in her job. Now, some of the benefits that I had in my job have now disappeared and been replaced with tasks that must be performed, but I can either accept this and reduce my anxiety, or fight against it and suffer from increased blood pressure and more medication. My choice, which will it be???
What would you do??
Fran Watson
P.S. Looking for a job?
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