If you’re currently searching for work, you might want to take some time to examine your beliefs and attitudes about work search. Positive beliefs can energize you for the hard work of searching for work. Positive attitudes can make all the difference in a job interview. Positive beliefs, values and attitudes can help you increase:
* your effectiveness
* your value to the organization you work for
* the likelihood you’ll keep your work situation
* your satisfaction and success.
Don’t be misled by people telling you “there aren’t any jobs”, or by the fact that there aren’t a lot of jobs advertised. Over 80% of jobs are not advertised. Keep a positive attitude towards your job search and target an employer you would like to work for. If you require assistance with your job search skills, you can contact a local employment service agency or check out your local library for resource books.
Planning your career goals is an important part of creating a positive work situation. If you’re unhappy in your present situation, your career goals will help you decide on your next step. Even if you’re happy with your current work, it’s a good idea to create some career goals. Your work situation might change or your needs might change. And of course, if you’re searching for work, your career goals will help you to focus your search.
When considering your career goals, you may need to consider learning opportunities. Learning, more than ever before, is for life. The world is changing so fast, that in order to stay current, one must keep learning. The information available worldwide doubles every few years, technology is part of virtually every workplace, and employers value knowledgeable employees who can work “smart”. Successful learners have positive beliefs and attitudes towards learning. Knowledge is power.
Learning does not have to take place in a classroom. There are a number of ways to learn:
* at work
* on your own
* from mentors and role models
* from co-workers and friends
* through magazines, journals, books and newspapers
* on the internet
* by volunteering
* by teaching others what you know
* through seminars, workshops and courses
* by attending classes at an educational institution
For assistance in determining your career and learning goals, contact a local employment agency and arrange to take some tests or personal inventories.
Need help? Contact me.
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